What to Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Dentist reviewing x-ray of patient's teeth during an oral exam to discuss the proper treatment that they feel comfortable doing

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a common dental procedure that many individuals undergo during their late teens or early adulthood. While the thought of oral surgery may seem daunting, understanding what to expect can alleviate anxiety and ensure a smooth recovery process. In this article, we will explore what you need to know about…

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What to Expect with a Smile Makeover

Woman with a beautiful white smile outside at sunset after having a smile makeover procedure

A confident smile can have a transformative impact on your appearance and self-esteem. If you are considering cosmetic dental procedures, a smile makeover can be an excellent option to achieve the smile of your dreams. But what does a smile makeover entail and what can you expect throughout the process? Here are some things to…

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What Do I Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants?

Close up of a model of a dental implant with an anchor set in the gums

Dental implants have become a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They offer a natural-looking and long-lasting alternative to dentures or bridges. However, before making any decisions, it’s a good idea to learn about the process and understand what it entails. Here are some points that would be helpful to know about. Dental…

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Why Consider Sedation Dentistry?

Patient sedated during her dental procedure

It’s not uncommon for people to feel anxiety about having dental procedures done. Dental anxiety is a common problem that affects many people. Some studies have indicated that 50 to 80% of American adults have some form of dental anxiety, with as much as 20% being high anxiety. This can lead to people avoiding routine…

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Sinusitis and the Dental Office

Cartoon of a man in pain with a tight vice clamped down on his temples

Practically every week of the year at Cape Dental Care we will have someone come in with a toothache that ends up being diagnosed sinusitis.   Their symptoms include: Sore upper posterior teeth (percussion, usually more than one) Feeling sensitive/swollen to the touch on their cheek Headaches Stuffy nose (runny nose, possibly green or yellow…

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Dental Fluoride: Savior or Poison?

Patient receiving a fluoride treatment during an appointment at Cape Dental

Savior or poison?  The answer is both!  Living through 25+ years of treating patients with fluoride, I have heard it all.  A large majority of my patient do not give having fluoride a second thought.  It is simply something you need to have to maintain a healthy dentition.  However, there is a small minority of…

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Salivary Gland Stone: Sialolith

Closeup of a mouth with a spatial maintainer and a utensil pointing out a small discolored mass under the tongue

One of the most common salivary gland stones is the submandibular gland’s duct sialolith. This is a case study of a recent patient who came in with such a stone. This 24 year old white female presented to Cape Dental Care with an ulcer behind her front lower teeth. She was 2 month postpartum and…

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Immediate Implants: Growing Back Your Teeth?

A deeply distraught patient shows up to their dental office with a broken tooth. The x-ray reveals a tooth broken off at below the gun line.  During the examination the dentist confirms what is shown in the x-ray; the tooth cannot be saved. With a heavy heart the dentist turns to the patient and tells…

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Cape Dental Care Teams Up With Nierman Practice Management

Cape Dental Care has now teamed up with Nierman Practice Management to offer our patients the possibility of filing their medical insurance for specific dental procedures. Their software DentalWriter and CrossCode will allow us to both document our clinical findings and manage insurance claims within one software package. Watch Dr. Phillip Kraver discuss why they…

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